Sensory Processing Disorder FAQ

Sensory Processing Disorder is a complex condition that affects how individuals interpret and respond to various sensory information, it can be considered a stand-alone diagnosis but sensory processing disorder is often associated with other developmental disorders such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Sensory processing disorder can have a significant impact on an individual's life, making it very important to understand its symptoms and challenges.

sensory parent with sensory child Sensory Processing Disorder FAQ

Sensory processing disorder is categorized into three groups sensory modulation disorder, sensory discrimination disorder, and sensory-based motor disorder. Sensory modulation disorder involves hypersensitivity (over-responsiveness) or hyposensitivity (under-responsiveness) to sensory input. 

Individuals with hypersensitivity may have a heightened response to certain sensory input, causing them to feel overwhelmed, anxious, or even in pain. On the other hand, those with hyposensitivity may not respond or react to sensory input at all, making it difficult for them to perceive the world around them accurately.

Sensory processing disorder can be challenging for individuals and their families. Daily tasks that many people take for granted can become overwhelming and exhausting for those with sensory differences. For instance, Going to a noisy grocery store, navigating through a crowded mall, or participating in a busy social gathering can be an exhausting and overwhelming experience for someone with sensory processing disorder. 

There are a lot of things that can be done at home to support individuals with sensory processing disorder. Providing a variety of sensory activities such as sensory bins or fidget toys can also help individuals with sensory processing disorder self-regulate and cope with overwhelming sensory input. 

What are the symptoms of sensory processing disorder?

The symptoms of sensory processing disorder can vary from person to person, but some common signs include:

- Difficulty processing sensory information

- Sensitivity to light, sound, touch, taste, or smell

- Avoidance of certain textures or fabrics

- Difficulty with fine motor skills

- Poor coordination and balance

- Over or under-reaction to sensory input

- Difficulty with transitions and changes in routine

- Behavioral issues or meltdowns in response to sensory overload

How is sensory processing disorder diagnosed?

Sensory processing disorder is not currently recognized as a standalone disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It is often diagnosed by occupational therapists who specialize in sensory integration. They will evaluate an individual's sensory processing abilities, motor skills, and behaviors to determine if they meet the criteria for SPD.

Is sensory processing disorder the same as autism?

No, sensory processing disorder is not the same as autism. It is commonly found in individuals who are autistic and other developmental disorders. It is estimated that up to 60% of autistic children also have sensory differences.

Can adults have sensory processing disorder?

Yes, sensory difficulties can affect individuals of any age. It is often diagnosed in children, but many adults live with undiagnosed SPD. Some adults may have learned to adapt to their sensory sensitivities, while others may have developed coping mechanisms to deal with their symptoms.

What causes sensory processing disorder?

The exact cause of sensory processing disorder is still unknown. Researchers believe that genetics, brain development, and environmental factors may play a role in the development of the disorder. Some studies have also found a link between sensory differences and prenatal complications or prematurity.

Can sensory processing disorder be treated?

Yes, there are various treatment options for sensory challenges, including occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, and behavioral therapy. These therapies aim to help individuals learn to manage their sensory sensitivities and develop coping skills to better navigate their daily lives.

Can sensory processing disorder go away on its own?

Sensory processi
ng disorder is a lifelong condition, but with the right support and therapy, individuals can learn to manage and cope with their symptoms. Some individuals may experience a decrease in symptoms as they get older, while others may continue to struggle with their sensory sensitivities.

Can sensory processing disorder improve over time?

With appropriate treatment and support, many individuals with sensory processing disorder  can develop strategies to cope with their sensory difficulties and improve their overall functioning. SPD is a lifelong condition, and some individuals may continue to experience challenges throughout their lives. It is important to work closely with professionals and regularly reassess treatment plans to ensure the best outcomes.

Is sensory processing disorder  a recognized disorder?

Sensory processing disorder is not officially recognized as a stand alone disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) but many professionals and researchers recognize and acknowledge sensory processing disorder as a valid condition.

Is there a cure for sensory processing disorder?

There is currently no known cure for SPD. Early intervention, occupational therapy and proper treatment, individuals can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their functioning.

Who can have sensory processing disorder? 

Sensory processing disorder can affect people of all ages, from infants to adults. It is estimated that 1 in 20 people worldwide may have some degree of sensory processing disorder. It can occur in people with other developmental disorders, such as autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities, but can also exist on its own.

How can I support someone with sensory processing disorder?

If you know someone with sensory differences, the best way to support them is to educate yourself about the disorder and be understanding and patient. Be mindful of their sensory sensitivities and try to provide a calm and sensory friendly environment for them. Encourage and celebrate their successes and seek professional help if needed.
Sensory Processing Disorder  is a complex disorder that can have a significant impact on an individual's life. Understanding sensory symptoms and seeking proper treatment, we can provide much-needed support and create a more inclusive and understanding society for those living with sensory differences.

Here are some more helpful Sensory Processing Disorder Resources

DISCLAIMER: I am not an Occupational Therapist. I am an adult who has Sensory Processing Disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists gives you. These are just ideas and information that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for suggestions and informational purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different needs. Please always consult with a professional.

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